Wire Account Verification Service (WAVS)

Wire account verifications and data set of 80,000 verified settlement party wire accounts (approximately 95 percent of the market) at any time that meet FS vetting and verification requirement to be deemed authentic which includes history and details on approved signatories, audits, account owner information and other details needed to confirm bank account being funded is the licensed and covered entity under a Closing Protection Letter. Industry’s largest database of actively managed and maintained bank information confirmed at the loan closing level.
Wire Account Verification Service

Full Visibility and Coverage

Guardian Hero Img

Effective transaction Level Controls / Risk Management to prevent Wire and title fraud losses

Guardian Hero Img

Protection against cyber interference / Business email compromise during the closing process

Guardian Hero Img

Increased Efficiency
that lowers costs

Guardian Hero Img

Certified products that provide transaction level protection of up to $5mm per transaction

Award Winning Software


MISMO Certified Wire
Fraud Prevention Tool


2020 CFO Tech Outlook Top 10
Financial Security Award Recipient

HW Tech

2020 HousingWire
Tech 100 Award Recipient